About Us
We follow the teachings and traditions of Christ, not conforming to the customs of manmade vanities. As we follow Christ we also lead by example bringing others to worship and praise the Father and the Son fully recognizing the coming of the kingdom of Our Lord and His Christ.
The Lord bless thee, and keep thee: The Lord make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee: The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.
Numbers 6:24-26
We are here to reach out to the communities of the world as servants and followers of Christ. We desire to help the poor, widowed, orphaned and abused as best we are able. Our vision is to unite and promote family values as well as address the things of this world that so heavily burden all those seeking to live peacefully and fully as the body of Christ.
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Our Sermons
Discover some of the teachings from Bible Christians Fellowship of the Spirit in our sermons section. Each message is crafted to deepen your faith and understanding of the Scriptures, offering guidance and insight for today’s world. Join us on a journey of spiritual growth and biblical exploration.

What is a Bible Christian?
Explore the defining principles of a Bible Christian, as this article delves into the commitment to Biblical teachings and how they shape a life of faith, harmony, and purpose in the modern world.

Three Heavens
Any student of Christianity has heard of the promise of heaven and/or the existence of heaven. How many have knowledge of the existence of three heavens?

Absolute Repentance
Repentance is one of the main components of walking in a way that pleases God since all have sinned and fallen short.